Northern Ireland Festival 

2013 Results

(first three only)

Class 1

276 Locksley Donnatella Versace / Ann Grimes

365 Quinton Shiraz / Tony Armstrong

552 Gleiniant Cupcake / Carmel Maloney

Class 2

193 Golden Pat / Laura McWeeney

606 Corclough Storm / Zoe Prince

64 Brown Hill Belle / James Naan

Class 3

651 Eynhallow Lewis / Sharon Cumberland

42 Beltoy Rising Pride / Steve McDonald

473 Tryfry Erinmoor / Tony Armstrong

Class 4

629 Budore Sir Percy / J Clelland

630 Llanveynoe Blaze of Glory / J Clelland

69 Budore Saint David / Kathryn Curry


629 Budore Sir Percy / J Clelland

651 Eynhallow Lewis / Sharon Cumberland

Class 5

117 Creevelea Serafina / Sharon Cumberland

264 Lambay Remember When / Ann Grimes

554 Parcglas Splendid Madonna / Carmel Maloney

Class 6

617 Longstone Imitation / Laura McWeeney

278 Loneash  Melanie / Tony Armstrong

21 Artic Poppy / Wendy Anderson


117 Creevelea Serafina / Sharon Cumberland

617 Longstone Imitation / Laura McWeeney

Class 7

117 Creevelea Serafina / Shannon Cumberland

554 Parcglas Splendid Madonna / Carmel Maloney

Class 8

63 Brookwater Lord of the Light / Lauren Finn

111 Cosford Pernilla / Conor Donohoe


117 Creevelea Serafina / Shannon Cumberland

63 Brookwater Lord of the Light / Lauren Finn

Class 9

Class 10

42 Beltoy Rising Pride / Steve McDonald

651 Eynhallow Lewis / Sharon Cumberland

148 Dykes Diplomead / Sadhbh O'Connor

Class 11

263 Lambay off Broadway / Ann Grimes

365 Quinton Shiraz / Tony Armstrong

262 Laithehill Geisha / Marian Judge

Class 12

473 Tryfry Erinmoor / Tony Armstrong

553 Penwisg Blackadder / Carmel Maloney

224 Idyllic Spartacus / Sophie McDonald


42 Beltoy Rising Pride / Steve McDonald

473 Tryfry Erinmoor / Tony Armstrong

Class 13

65 Bryneglur Bertie / Sarah Killeen

Class 14

629 Budore Sir Percy / J Cleland

630 Llanveynoe Blaze Of Glory / J Cleland

69 Budore Saint David / Kathryn Curry

Class 15

64 Brown Hill Belle / James Naan

193 Golden Pat / Laura McWeeney

606 Corclough Storm / Zoe Price

Class 16

170 Galloon Ceol / Jamie Smyth

678 Rosscon Cover Girl / 

668 Lucky Rebel / 

Class 17

Class 18

77 Carlung Minstrel / Zoe Bell

227 Ingleagarth Percussion / Lauren Gordon


170 Galloon Ceol / Jamie Smyth

678 Rosscon Cover Girl / 

Class 19

419 Sir Barney / Sarah Brashaw

375 Renkum Black Magic / Edel King

179 Giuliani / Yvonne Armstrong

Class 20

23 Ashsars Diamond Flight / Sarah Killeen

15 Arabian Knight / Sarah Brashaw

270 Liquorice Light / Laura Smyth


23 Ashsars Diamond Flight / Sarah Killeen

419 Sir Barney / Sarah Brashaw

Class 21

74 Caluka UK Hearts Echo / David Kelly

555 Summer Rose Lady Anna / Emma McDowell

547 Summerrose American Dream / Yvonne McAlister

Class 22

679 Cebee Pippy / Dennis Halfpenny

Class 23

133 Donabi UK Uno Romatic Affair / David Kelly

484 Volanic Ash of Rothley / Suzanne Acres

256 Kwaimoon Sinner in Silk / Yvonne Harrington

Class 24

549 Olympian Dress Me In Roses / Yvonne McAlister

410 Shadowplay Web Master / David Kelly

482 Ujenikn Extasy Alpine Boy / Suzanne Acres

Class 25

680 Cotton Socks / Dennis Halfpenny

285 Lucky Legends Couragio Rockstar / Suzanne Acres


133 Donabi UK Uno Romatic Affair / David Kelly

549 Olympian Dress Me In Roses / Yvonne McAlister

Class 26

270 Liquorice Light / Laura Smyth

Class 27

419 Sir Barney / Karen Jeffery and 15 Arabian Knight / Sarah Bradshaw

Class 28

618 Jovian Moon / Mark Robinson and 619 Betty BOO 2 / Courtney Stewart

23 Ashsars Diamond Flight / Sarah Killeen and 212 High Rumours / Caoimhe McParland


618 Jovian Moon / Mark Robinson and 619 Betty BOO 2 / Courtney Stewart

23 Ashsars Diamond Flight / Sarah Killeen and 212 High Rumours / Caoimhe McParland

Class 29

555 Summer Rose Lady Anna / Emma McDowell

117 Creevelea Serafina / Todd Cumberland

47 Black Bobby Sparrow / Ciara Mullen

Class 30

267 Lettergesh Bobby / Alix Cunneen

270 Liquorice Light / Laura Smyth

123 Deedora Dotcom / Connie McLaughlin


267 Lettergesh Bobby / Alix Cunneen

555 Summer Rose Lady Anna / Emma McDowell

Class 31

385 Rockvale Kandy Plum / Shannon Corbett

137 Dream On Calypso / Julie Thompson

282 Lord Nacally / Jamie Smyth

Class 32

298 Massereene Dorian Gray / Shannon Corbett

626 Ashford Cashla / Anthea Steele

490 Whats New Pussycat / Olivia Spencer


298 Massereene Dorian Gray / Shannon Corbett

385 Rockvale Kandy Plum / Shannon Corbett

Class 33

385 Rockvale Kandy Plum / Eirin Corbett

79 Carnsdale Iron Lady / Kathryn Smiley

466 Timahoe Show Time / Rachel Moore

Class 34

21 Artic Poppy / Wendy Anderson

486 Waterglades Gemini / Aisling Wixted

7 Alafair / Megan Devaney

Class 35

602 Golden Grove Sunrise / Jodie Creighton

72 Cadlanvalley Caradog / Anita McClurg

63 Brookwater Lord of the Light / Margaret Letters

Class 36

644 Tattygar Fairy Tale / Adriana Hirst


385 Rockvale Kandy Plum / Eirin Corbett

21 Artic Poppy / Wendy Anderson

Class 37

560 Creevelea Abbey / Orlaith Winters

391 Rosdale Markus / Lucy Logan

604 Mardenway Magic Princess / Cameron Weatherup

Class 38

395 Rowfantina Jammy Dodger / Ellie McDonnell

292 Magical Merlin / James Murphy


391 Rosdale Markus / Lucy Logan

395 Rowfantina Jammy Dodger / Ellie McDonnell

Class 39

648 Greenacres by Royal Appointment / Karen Gallagher

7 Alafair / Megan Devaney

497 Zinnia Z / Bobbi Fleming

Class 40

214 Hightopps Explorer / Amber Marnane

Class 41

358 Parkhill Sir Alec / Jenny Torrens

649 Greenacres Something To Talk About / C Gallegher


358 Parkhill Sir Alec / Jenny Torrens

648 Greenacres by Royal Appointment / Karen Gallagher

Class 42

220 Hollybush Jiggle / Lucy Smith

Class 43


220 Hollybush Jiggle / Lucy Smith

Class 44

498 Amesbury Bumble Bee / Katelyn O'Driscoll

560 Creevelea Abbey / Orlaith Winters

220 Hollybush Jiggle / Lucy Smith

Class 45

9 Amesbury Busy Bee / Megan Dumigan

602 Golden Grove Sunrise / Jodie Creighton

66 Ravara Mrs Tiggywinkle / Ellie McDonnell


9 Amesbury Busy Bee / Megan Dumigan

498 Amesbury Bumble Bee / Katelyn O'Driscoll

Class 46

672 Keizerhoek Fons / Jodie Creighton

273 Llananant Barcud / Amber Marnane

37 Barns Rosanna / Eva McClurg

Class 47

603 Glenkyle Boy / Jodie Creighton

449 Teach Mor Knight / Charlotte Smiley

227 Ingleagarth Percussion / Lauren Gordon

Class 48

224 Idyllic Spartacus / Sophie McDonald

397 Rubin / Triona Murphy

381 Robe Surf / Vicky Lowey


672 Keizerhoek Fons / Jodie Creighton

224 Idyllic Spartacus / Sophie McDonald

Class 49

602 Golden Grove Sunrise / Jodie Creighton

7 Alafair / Megan Devaney

63 Brookwater Lord of the Light / Lauren Finn

Class 50

298 Massereene Dorian Gray / Eirin Corbett

650 Greenacres Jessie James / Nicole Billings


602 Golden Grove Sunrise / Jodie Creighton

298 Massereene Dorian Gray / Eirin Corbett

Class 51

391 Rosdale Markus / Lucy Logan

627 Corries Myfanwy / Tiggy Hancock

296 Mardenway Amazing Grace / Victoria Burns

Class 52

224 Idyllic Spartacus / Sophie McDonald

493 Wildways Adonis / Rebecca Mawhiney

614 Kenilwood Adonis / Dee Harris


224 Idyllic Spartacus / Sophie McDonald

391 Rosdale Markus / Lucy Logan

Class 53

460 Thistledown Americano / Hannah Dumigan

156 Eskdale Viscount / Jenny Torrens

405 Saltre Commanchero / Olivia Spencer

Class 54

370 Rathbane Legend / Emily McGowan

381 Robe Surf / Vicky Lowey

388 Roo Bella / Rachel Moore


370 Rathbane Legend / Emily McGowan

460 Thistledown Americano / Hannah Dumigan

Class 55

61 Brookfields Showdown / Lesley-Anne Duke

338 My Lisnagad / Gwen Scott

240 Karumba / Kirsteen Reid

Class 56

456 The Forger / Imelda O'Shaughnessy

40 Beechhill Flagmount / Michael Smyth

254 King Flagmount / Alicia Devlin Byrne

Class 57

338 My Lisnagad / Gwen Scott

203 Gypsy Cobra Cruis / Antonia De Burgh

641 Tattygare Going Good / Shirley Hirst

Class 58

452 The BFG / Shawlene Leebody

545 Shanbally Lucky Dip / Victoria Teuton

290 M.C Clover / Lisa Doogan

Class 59

180 Glamour Puss / Sharon Gault

334 Mullaghdrin Lass / Sarah Russell

45 Birchill Moet / Nicola Carty


338 My Lisnagad / Gwen Scott

180 Glamour Puss / Sharon Gault

Class 60

432 Springwell Boy / Zara Fletcher

174 Garvey's joy / Clare Manning

396 Royal County Nelson / James Purcell

Class 61

46  Bit of a Pickle / Holly McClenaghan

486 Waterglades Gemini / Aisling Wixted

237 Joey / Sarah Curry


432 Springwell Boy / Zara Fletcher

46  Bit of a Pickle / Holly McClenaghan

Class 62

Class 63

24 Alburn Diamond Lil / Sarah English

665 Dream Catcher / Leonie O'Gorman

332 Mr T / Gwen Scott

Class 64

526 Little Tinker / Meabh Charlton

82 Casper the Ghost / Zara Nelson

Class 65

135 Double Take / Yvonne Pearson

432 Springwell Boy / Zara Fletcher



135 Double Take / Yvonne Pearson

432 Springwell Boy / Zara Fletcher

Class 66

231 Irish Echo / Diane McCully

488 Wee Rosco / Kate Spiers

291 Macey Grey / Chloe Smyth

Class 67

417 Silverstone / Rianna Marnane

438 Strattowns Warrior / Clare Manning

245 Kenilwood Windsong / Catherine Gorton


417 Silverstone / Rianna Marnane

231 Irish Echo / Diane McCully

Class 68

681 Callow Belle / Zoe Dodsworth

83  Castle Native / Liz Burbage

Class 69

675 Beau Bubbly / James Coughlan

492 Why Not Batim / Maeve Carty


681 Callow Belle / Zoe Dodsworth

492 Why Not Batim / Maeve Carty

Class 70

341 Newline Golden Secret / Ellie Miskelly

437 Stoak Luke / Katie McKee

87 Charlie / Sophie McCormick

Class 71

635 Cash / Lauren Thompson

270 Liquorice Light / Laura Smyth

30 BallyG Ash / Jenny Lindsay

Class 72

230 Inspector Morse / Sasha Bloch

390 Roscor Silver Lady / Regan McKee

394 Rossdale Angel Wings / Chloe Rooney

Class 73

170 Galloon Ceol / Jamie Smyth

566 Callowfeenish Grey / Rebecca O'Connell

144 Dun Deal / Peadar McLaughlin

Class 74

59 Brilyn Spirit / Laura Campbell

460 Thistledown Americano / Hannah Dumigan

479 Twyford Captain Morgan / Cerys Howell

Class 75

280 Longhouse Farm Accolade / Cerys Howell


170 Galloon Ceol / Jamie Smyth

566 Callowfeenish Grey / Rebecca O'Connell

Class 76

173 Gardenvale Girl / Chloe McArthur

653 Bunowen Rebel / Leila Oakman

126 Derrygimbla Atlantic Storm / Aaron Quinn

Class 77

146 Dunran Katie Sue / Lucinda Kelly

652 Comical Con / Catherine O'Hara

43 Benny Laith / Phillipa Scott


705 Rosoon Sunrise / Emma James

449 Teach Mor Knight / Charlotte Smiley

Class 78

633 Nearly Done / Alex Ryan

200 Grange Bonnie Lass / Alice Wilson

621 Corries Whiskey / Alice Hancock

Class 79

126 Storm / Aaron Quinn

408 Scarlett Knight / Anna Kelly

47 Black Bobby Sparrow / Ciara Mullen

Class 80

433 Stambrook Miss Bellini / Jodie Creighton

390 Roscor Silver Lady / Regan McKee

479 Twyford Captain Morgan / Cerys Howell

Class 81

310 Milo / Bethany Gordon

305 Milford Spectacular / Katie McKee

112 Cosmic Chaos / Wendy Anderson

Class 82

310 Milo / Bethany Gordon

329 Move Like Jagger / Chloe Connon

280 Longhouse Farm Accolade / Cerys Howell


433 Stambrook Miss Bellini / Jodie Creighton

633 Nearly Done / Alex Ryan

Class 83

304 Midnight Tonto / Amanda Williams

366 Rabawn O'Gorman / Aimee Donohoe

309 Milsparks Tadgh Darragh / Julie Thompson

Class 84

322 Monty / Emma Jackson

175 Gelliniog Foxy / Charlotte McFarland

188 Goin for Gold / Claire Ireland

Class 85 

121 Cushnahans Mist / Laura Snow

495 Winterdown Delight / Avril Clear

56 Braeview Codega / Kathryn Knox

Class 86

488 Wee Rosco / Kate Spiers

540 Mixed Emotions / Gwen Scott

268 Levi / Michael Kelly

Class 87

94 Cluntagh Cavalier / Rachel Moore

53 BLS Never More / Shane O'Grady

519 Isle Of Glass Super Trooper / Shannon Baird

Class 88

412 Shannondale Taipan / Lisa Talbot

546 Khan Doo / Victoria Teuton

31 Ballyhaise Beaujolais / Lynne Spence

Class 89

282 Lord Nacally / Jamie Smyth

137 Dream on Calypso / Janice Reddy

299 Master Columbus / Tara Flynn


412 Shannondale Taipan / Lisa Talbot

137 Dream on Calypso / Janice Reddy

Class 90

498 Amesbury Busy Bee / Katelyn O'Driscoll

111 Cosford Pernilla / Conor Donohoe

220 Hollybush Jiggle / Lucy Smith

Class 91

66 Brynoffa Jonquil / Ellie McDonnell


498 Amesbury Bumble Bee / Katelyn O'Driscoll

66 Brynoffa Jonquil / Ellie McDonnell

Class 92

391 Rosdale Markus / Lucy Logan

265 Larchgrove Juno / Hugh O'Connor

376 Rillalton Jack in a Box / Victoria Burns

Class 93

395 Dodger / Ellie McDonnell

273 Llananant Barcud / Amber Marnane


395 Dodger / Ellie McDonnell

391 Rosdale Markus / Lucy Logan

Class 94

273 Llananant Barcud / Amber Marnane

623 Springer Tommy Gun / Heather Steele

9 Amesbury Busy Bee / Megan Dumigan

Class 95

41 Bellevue Royal Jester / Emily Jayne McPolin

417 Silverstone / Rianna Marnane

184 Glenhuntly Trojan Troy / Alex Burns

Class 96

7 Alafair / Megan Devaney

481 Tyn-Y-Cae Gold Kite / Alix Cunneen

408 Scarlett Knight / Anna Kelly

Class 97

79 Carnsdale Iron Lady / Kathryn Smiley

466 Timahoe Show Time / Rachel Moore

385 Rockvale Kandy Plum / Eirin Corbett


79 Carnsdale Iron Lady / Kathryn Smiley

41 Bellvue Royal Jester / Emily Jayne McPolin

Class 98

69 Budore Saint David / Kathryn Curry

160 Fflur Garnon / Casey Thompson

77 Carlung Minstrel / Zoe Bell

Class 99


388 Roo Bella / Rachel Moore

381 Robe Surf / Vicky Lowey

Class 100

460 Thistledown Americano / Hannah Dumigan

561 Pennway Pelican / Saoirse Winters

672 Keizerhoek Fons / Jodie Creighton

Class 101

37 Barns Rosanna / Eva McClurg

148 Dykes Diplomead / Sadhbh O'Connor

224 Idyllic Spartacus / Sophie McDonald


705 Rosoon Sunrise / Emma James

69 Budore Saint David / Kathryn Curry

Class 102

357 Parkhill Little Gemara / Jenny Torrens

63 Brookwater Lord of the Light / Lauren Finn

245 Kenilwood Windsong / Catherine Gorton

Class 103

504 Chiddock Unlimited / Jennifer Torrens

523 Wyndham Limelight / Olivia Marnane

417 Silverstone / Amber Marnane

Class 104

7 Alafair / Megan Devaney

608 Kintillo Faberge / Karlie Spencer

497 Zinnia Z / Bobbi Fleming


357 Parkhill Little Gemara / Jenny Torrens

7 Alafair / Megan Devaney

Class 105

147 Dyfed Picalo / Cian O'Connor

296 Grace / Victoria Burns

99 Colne Flora / Max McDonnell

Class 106

222 Huttons Ambo Mayflower / Eva McClurg

99 Colne Flora / Ellie McDonnell

148 Dykes Diplomead / Sadhbh O'Connor


222 Huttons Ambo Mayflower / Eva McClurg

99 Colne Flora / Ellie McDonnell

Class 107

449 Teach Mor Knight / Charlotte Smiley

603 Glenkyle Boy / Jodie Creighton

361 Pontoon Lad / Ciara Mullen

Class 108


566 Callowfeenish Grey / Rebecca O'Connell

289 Lynskey / Zoe Price

Class 109

100 Colorado / Gavin Daly

78 Carnsdale Corbiere / Eirin Corbett

24 Auburn Diamond Lil / Sarah English

Class 110

656 Masserene Being Ernest / Ruth Wilson

135 Double Take / Yvonne Pearson

424 Smart Alec / Sharon Gault

Class 111

288 Lux View / Shawlene Leebody

11 Amplifire / Yvonne Pearson

213 Highdell Eclipse / Jennifer Kennedy

Class 112

413 Shantaram / Vanessa Ramm

645 Kingarve / Lyn Boggs

545 Shanbally Lucky Dip / Victoria Teuton


100 Colorado / Gavin Daly

78 Carnsdale Corbiere / Eirin Corbett

Class 113

298 Massereene Dorian Gray / Eirin Corbett

371 Rathnalenn Rythm / Chloe Murphy

334 Mullaghdrin Lass / Sarah Russell

Class 114

61 Brookfields Showdown / Lesley-Anne Duke

693 Ishd Atlas / Julianna Sorementto



298 Massereene Dorian Gray / Eirin Corbett

61 Brookfields Showdown / Lesley-Anne Duke

Class 115

456 The Forger / Imelda O'Shaughnessy

143 Drumlane Fillie / Jennifer Kennedy

Class 116

607 Morrows Marksman / Lesley Webb

611 Barnstomer / Ann Regan

427 Sonny / Katy Irvine

Class 117

40 Beechill Flagmount / Michael Smyth

695 Gemima / Alex Presho

704 Wish Faith / Aimory McMahon


607 Morrows Marksman / Lesley Webb

456 The Forger / Imelda O'Shaughnessy

Class 118

626 Ashford Cashla / Anthea Steele

438 Strattowns Warrior / Clare Manning

300 Maverick / Chloe Smyth

Class 119

100 Colorado / Gavin Daly

78 Carnsdale Corbiere / Eirin Corbett

279 Longford Mist / Julia Brennan

Class 120

298 Massereene Dorian Gray / Shannon Corbett 

626 Ashford Cashla / Anthea Steele

291 Macey Grey / Chloe Smyth


100 Colorado / Gavin Daly

298 Massereene Dorian Gray / Shannon Corbett 

Class 121

50 Blackwood Fernado / Alicia Devlin Byrne

47 Black Bobby Sparrow / Ciara Mullen

54 Bob Marley / Anne Stanley

Class 122

59 Brilyn Spirit / Laura Campbell

146 Dunran Katie Sue / Lucinda Kelly

126 Derrygimbla Atlantic  Storm / Aaron Quinn

Class 123 

337 Muskerry Peter Pan / Melanie Marnane

280 Longhouse Farm Accolade / Cerys Howell

183 Glenerch Purr / Abby Cummiskey

Class 124

459 Thierry Henry / Melanie Marnane

470 Tootsie / Vikki Fox

310 Milo / Bethany Gordon

Class 125

191 Golden Flight / Sasha Bloch

41 Bellvue Royal Jester / Emily Jaybe McPolin

542 Dinky Diamond / Stephanie Hockley

Class 126

191 Golden Flight / Sasha Bloch

390 Roscor Silver Lady / Regan McKee

364 Princess Panda / Emma Connolly

Class 127

47 Black Bobby Sparrow / Ciara Mullen

216 Hill Storm / Ciara Gilroy 

398 Ruile Buile Bailey / Becky Coonan

Class 128

469 Tommie Girl / Jessica Finnegan

297 Martell Remy / Hannah Wentges

533 Lisa's Dream / Jayne Moore

Class 129

53 BLS Never More / Shane O'Grady

411 Shannondale Sylvester / Emma Jackson

94 Cluntagh Cavalier / Rachel Moore

Class 130

551 Gleneven Starina / Victoria Teuton

104 Come What May / Cara Swanston

382 Rock Rebel / Roz Murphy

Class 131

135 Double Take / Lesley Webb

360 Pinecroft Alibi / Nicky Anderson

511 Mill Hollow Real McCoy / Emma Jackson

Class 132

440 Sumas Bequest / Rebecca O'Toole

56 Braeview Codega / Kathryn Knox

121 Cushnahans Mist / Laura Snow

Class 133

412 Shannondale Taipan / Lisa Talbot

51 Rebel / Lynne Ireland

512 Maximus / Emma Jackson

Class 134

412 Shannondale Taipan / Lisa Talbot

677 Drumhirk Dakota / Gwen Scott

546 Khan Doo / Victoria Teuton

Class 135

Class 136



224 Idyllic Spartacus / Sophie McDonald

391 Rosdale Markus / Lucy Logan

220 Hollybush Jiggle / Lucy Smith


170 Galloon Ceol / Jamie Smyth

629 Budore Sir Percy / James Cleland

23 Ashsars Diamond Flight / Sarah Killeen


298 Massereene Dorian Gray / Shannon Corbett

224 Idyllic Spartacus / Sophie McDonald

385 Rockvale Kandy Plum / Eirin Corbett


222 Huttons Ambo Mayflower / Eva McClurg

498 Amesbury Bumble Bee / Caitan O'Driscoll


100 Colorado / Gavin Daly

78 Carnsdale Corbiere / Shannon Corbett

135 Double Take / Yvonne Pearson


100 Colorado / Gavin Daly

705 Rosoon Sunrise / Emma James


135 Double Take / Lesley Webb

191 Golden Flight / Sasha Bloch

59 Brilyn Spirit / Laura Campbell